In order to conveniently edit dynamic parts of windows (for example, hidden text objects, forms, etc.), you can add a class to such an item that will be active only for editing purposes. It will be removed in the production version.
Temporary classes
To create a temporary class, just add the prefix ._tmp_
to the class name, which will be removed when saving (exporting), thus invalidating the declaration.
Example for editing
.hidden-object { visibility:hidden }
.hidden-object._tmp_show-object{ visibility:visible }
It will be in the production version after saving:
.hidden-object { visibility:hidden }{ visibility:visible }
Temporary styles
To suppress a particular style that would prevent editing, just add two underscores to the beginning of the declaration, which will be removed in the production version:
The change can be made without modifying the code in the Editor on the left in the Inspector > Inline Styles palette.
Example for editing
<div style="__display:none">Text...</div>
It will be in the production version after saving:
<div style="display:none">Text...</div>