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Mailocator / Actions 2025-01-28 09:59:00

List of actions

List of supported actions

closeCampaign closing without reopening1.0
closeIDCloses a campaign defined by its ID5.0
convertRecord the conversion of a campaign for statistical evaluation5.0
dlPushAdds an event to the dataLayer; the argument is the name and value5.1
goRuns engine for the current visit/session5.0
hideCampaign closing2.0
hideIDHides a campaign defined by its ID5.0
jsfnRuns an external javascript function5.1
nextstepDisplay the next step2.0
pathOpens the address (parameter) in the current window (must be in the same domain, otherwise the browser may block the page - use url5.0.6
reloadRestore campaign content5.0
resetDeletes user history1.0
resetIDDeletes campaign history (conversions, close etc.)5.0
restartDeletes user history, including the user5.0
saveSaves the form content to the Mailocator dataStorage5.0
setCookieCreates a cookie with a name and value valid for 365 days5.1
stopStops engine for current visit/session5.0
subscribeSubscribing to the newsletter1.0
switchToSwitch from the current campaign to another defined ID5.1
triggerIDStarts a campaign defined by its ID5.0
toClipboardCopying content to the clipboard4.0
urlOpens the address (parameter) on a new tab5.0
offTurns off the engine5.0
onTurns on the engine if it is off5.0
valueCreates a name with a value to send or save6.0
viewSwitch to defined view6.0