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Mailocator / API 2025-02-17 17:58:22



Interface to get the project performance for a given period on a day-by-day basis


Returns the performance of all campaigns within the project on a day-by-day basis, where at least one campaign was active. For each individual day, the number of campaigns run and the number of conversions on each device is returned.


  • The fdate-from defines the start date in the form YYYMMDD
  • fdate-to defines the end date in the form YYYMMDD
  • format defines the format of the returned data, options: JSON, XML or CSV

Return Values:

dayDate format YYYYMMDD
desktopNumber of campaigns displayed on desktop
mobileNumber of campaigns viewed on mobile
desktop_convNumber of conversions on desktop
mobile_convNumber of conversions on mobile

Response Status:

200List was successfully returned
204List does not contain data or time interval is invalid
400Invalid or incomplete request