Try pre-set campaigns and get your first conversions within 15 minutes.
Mailocator / Integration 2025-02-17 17:51:18

Connecting Mailocator with Shoptet

You do NOT need an add-on to use Mailocator in Shoptet. Just follow the two steps below.

Copy the Mailocator installation snippet

The snippet we sent you the moment you created your first project. If you don't have it handy, go to Mailocator, open the project and go to Settings tab Installation and copy the installation snippet:

Inserting the snippet into Shoptet

log into Shoptet and select Content and Appearance in the left menu.

in the submenu click on Editor

switch to the HTML code tab and insert the snippet into the field


Once the snippet is saved in Shoptet, Mailocator is immediately active and your campaigns can start appearing.

Take full advantage of the integration

Once installed, you can activate the Shoptet plugin to run campaigns based on additional conditions. You can find more at /engage/plugin-pro-shoptet , the plugin is free for all users.